Title » Q*bert
Date » Spring 2005
Details » A 3d recreation of the classic game, Q*bert (from the time of PacMan), with multiple levels and enemies using Macromedia Director, Maya, Flash, and the Adobe Suite.

Q*bert is a 3d recreation of the original 1982 classic arcade game created by Warren Davis and Jeff Lee. The object of the game is for Q*bert to land on each block of the pyramid to change its color (to the one designated for that level). Meanwhile, there are enemies that prevent Q*bert from landing on each square. As the level increases, not only are the enemies are more sophisticated but Q*bert may be required to land on each block more than once.

Specification Design

To begin this reconstruction, we first analyzed the game objects (player and enemy types) and interactions (moves and actions allowed by each game object) in the original game. Given the three-week timeline of this project, we scoped down this feature seat to include the most essential object types: Qbert, 3 enemy types (bouncing ball, snake, and deactivator), warp pads, and two types of pyramids (environment). Once these features were finalized, my partner and I began to think about design and implementation and created a more formalized project specification with details on the following:

  • data and class structure in Macromedia Director
  • finite state machine logic (interaction and scenarios for each object)
  • milestones and work division

The Final Game

The final game features five levels with Q*bert starting off with three lives (hack: though you could press "T" to automatically obtain 100 lives).

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